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Hymn for food is an experimental music album. The project seeks to implicate many orders of time around food and its place in intimate and public memory. We present to you an album with five tracks, each of which is a weave of personal stories around food and memory.
Food is an agent of history. Food is a cultural component. It is a social argument, which obviously makes it a political expression. In the discourse of food, one must not forget that one of the prime reasons that led to European colonisation throughout the world is because of “Spices”. C with Julia Hauser, Arijit Bhat
The project “Food and Imagination” by Pallavi Paul, Lea Maria Wittich, Rukaiya Karim, Arijit Bhattacharyya and Sujatro Ghosh reimagines and speculates the relationship of food in the past, present and future.
Curated by : Övül Ö. Durmusoglu
The pain of losing someone cannot be quantified or measured. 'Songs of Transition' is a contemporary archive of theatrical performances that, through collective expression, mourn the losses incurred during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Performances by Fernanda Aloi, Jorge Baldeon, Sujatro Ghosh, Maricarmen Gutirrez, Tamara Margvelashvili, Cau Silva, Bo Xu.
This performance was done in collaboration with Hebbel Am Ufer (HAU) in Berlin.
'Project Galápagos' is a series of transcultural participatory and performative workshops. Through this project, we attempt to dive into the world of untold, unheard stories with the help of ancestral memory, performance, and oral history.
Up Next:
MARKK Museum, Hamburg, Germany
June 5th, 2025 (18:00 CEST)
Just Past:
Seeding Non-Aligned Rice Narratives, Bandung, Indonesia
September 8th, 2024 | 15:00-17:00 WIB
Hunger Burns, 11.05.2024 - 17.09.2024 London, UK (
Shows, performances and lectures you've missed in the recent past: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Berliner Festspiele, Whitworth Museum & University of Manchester, Bärenzwinger (Berlin), King's College, London, La Biennale di Venezia & The Royal Historical Society, FoodCultureDays (Vevey), nGbK (neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst Berlin)